What to Look for in a Service Provider

Ideal Internet Service ProviderAs time passes and technology advances, the number of choices we have for all things continues to grow. Internet Service Providers are no different. Each day, there are new ISPs making their way onto the market with the hopes of making your business their next customer. The true challenge is finding the ideal ISP for your unique needs. Sure, everyone wants to keep costs low, but no matter what size or industry your business may be in there are a number of other factors that come into play, such as reliability, scalability, product offerings and structure.

The first step is to assess how vital your company’s connection to the Internet and Internet applications are. If your business requires an always-on 24/7 connection, then a Fractional T1 or higher solution is where you should begin your search. Once you determine the product and speed you need, you can begin to search for the providers that offer those choices in your area.

In most cases you will have both large and small service providers in your area – both of which offer their own benefits and come with their own drawbacks. Typically smaller providers offer more personalized customer service; however they might not own their own network, which could potentially lead to issues with scalability and reliability. On the other hand, larger providers often own their own network, but choose to focus their operations in select cities. Larger providers also tend to lack the same customer-focused approach as smaller providers.

Ideally you want to find a service provider that is both customer-focused and able to provide personalized service as well as owns its own network, but depending upon your location, that may not always be possible. In that instance, it is important to establish your priorities. Service reliability and personal customer service should be at the top of your list.

Best Internet T1 Service Providers

The service provider you select should help your business flourish, not flounder. And while no service is perfect and able to offer 100% availability, it is important to know ability to know how they plan to repair any issues while minimizing the impact on your business. Find out if they own their own network, what their repair escalation procedures are, and if you will be able to speak with a live representative for updates. Or even better, look up their customer support number online and give them a call yourself.

Image Source: Feelart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Source: http://www.t1everywhere.com/blog/internet-service-providers/

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